2021-22, 2022 Academic Publications

Academic Publications for 2021-22 and 2022 CSU IP Participants

The documents below contain important academic information pertaining to programs operating during the 2021-22 academic year and the 2022 calendar year. To access the documents, click on the hyperlinked document. Note that publications which are not linked below are in the process of being updated. Check this webpage regularly for updates. 

Academic Guide for CSU IP Participants.  This document (also known as the "Academic Guide") contains three sections:​
  • Section I: Academic Planning. Section I contains information on the academic planning process and how courses are applied towards your degree.
  • Section II: Academic Policies. Section II contains academic policies which are applied to all IP participants while abroad regardless of the program of study. Topics include but are not limited to CSU Registration, Enrollment Requirements, Minimum/Maximum Unit Load in a Semester, Attendance, Examinations, Assignment of Grades, Grading Symbols, Credit/No Credit Option, Course Withdrawals and other policies.
  • Section III: Academic Reporting. Section III contains information about the academic reporting process including when to expect your academic report at the end of your studies abroad. 
Required Courses and Units for CSU IP Participants for 2021-22 and 2022 is a reference table which lists the courses that CSU IP participants are required to take during their year abroad. Required courses are organized by country, study center and academic track (study area). 

Academic Bulletins are catalogs for specific study centers and contain academic information on program requirements, grading, units and courses. Keep checking this webpage for updates.​ To access academic bulletins for previous years, go to this webpage
2021-22 Programs* 2022 Calendar-Year Programs
France: Aix-en-Provence
France: Paris
Japan: Tokyo (Waseda University)
Japan: Tsukuba
South Korea
Spain: Granada
Spain: Jaén
Spain:  Madrid

United Kingdom

Most bulletins for programs starting
in July, August or September 2022 will
be available in May or June. In the
interim, refer to bulletins from prior years
though information is subject to change.

Programs in Australia, Chile, China, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, and Taiwan that were scheduled to begin in Fall 2021 have been suspended.  
Programs in Australia, China, Japan and Taiwan that were scheduled to begin in early 2022 have been suspended.
The South Africa program did not operate in Spring 2022. 
**View Italy course syllabi 2021-22.