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CSU Faculty & Staff

Information for Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff across the California State University system, as well as faculty and staff abroad, contribute to the success of CSU International Programs in many ways, large and small. To support their efforts and to centralize resources available to faculty and staff, CSU International Programs has created International Programs pages on CSYou. To log in, select "Chancellor's Office" in the campus drop-down menu.
To learn more about CSU International Programs opportunities for CSU faculty, and to access information such as Study Center Resources for Resident Directors and Staff Abroad; IP Coordinator Resources; Campus Contact Information; and Chancellor's Office Staff Contact Information, please visit the CSYou pages.
Faculty will find information on International Faculty Partnership Seminars; The Wang Family China and Taiwan Stipends, awarded annually; Resident Director Opportunities abroad; and The Academic Council on International Programs (ACIP), created to promote CSU campus participation in the development of policy concerning International Programs and to ensure regular communication between campuses and CSU International Programs.

International Program Coordinators and Exchange Coordinators at each CSU campus, as well as valued staff and partners abroad will find the resources necessary to continue to support our students both domestically and on site in each IP location, and to ensure that at the conclusion of the student’s study abroad experience academic reporting takes place in a timely manner.

CSU IP deeply appreciates the continued efforts of its faculty and staff on behalf of CSU IP students.