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California State University, Fullerton

Campus Profile

CSU FullertonCalifornia State University, Fullerton (Cal State Fullerton) is located in Southern California and has a campus enrollment of over 40,000 students. Cal State Fullerton is a major regional university located in north Orange County. Eight colleges offer more than 100 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, including doctorates in education and nursing practice. Impressive campus facilities include the College of Business and Economics, a beautiful 95,000-square-foot Student Recreation Center, one of California's leading university performing arts facilities, well-equipped laboratories and state-of-the-art classrooms, a picturesque 26-acre arboretum and a new residence hall complex that includes a stellar dining facility. Cal State Fullerton’s location offers the resources of a dynamic, flourishing area that includes Orange County, the Inland Empire and metropolitan Los Angeles.

Cal State Fullerton offers many opportunities to enrich the lives of their students both on and around the campus.

Below are samples of what the campus offers:
Clubs and Organizations                - Sports and Recreation (with aquatics program)
Community Involvement                 - Student Life and Leadership

To learn more about Cal State Fullerton, click on the link below. 
-Video: Cal State Fullerton Virtual Tour

Information for Exchange Students

Campus Information
  • Academic calendar dates: Click on this link to view the most recent calendar under "Quick Links" or visit the campus website.
  • Campus-based fees charged to student: Fees for some courses, depending on the course, may be charged (e.g. lab fees). 
    The majority of lecture courses will not require additional fees. Fee amounts and fees charged are subject to change.
  • Campus health insurance charged to student: Estimated cost is $785 for the fall semester and $785 for the spring semester. Cost is subject to change.
  • Housing: Click on this link to view campus housing information. 
  • Transportation: Click on this link to view information about sustainable transportation.

Admission Criteria
  • Minimum English proficiency score requirements: Click on this link to view.
  • Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) to apply: 2.00 (based on 4.0 scale) or equivalent.

Impacted (Closed) and Restricted (Limited) Subject Areas

Impacted (Closed) Subject Areas which are not available to exchange students): Education (all areas); Music (MUS); Nursing (clinical courses) (NURS).

Restricted (Limited)Subject Areas where limited places are available and are highly competitive: Arts/Graphic Design (ART); Business Administration BUAD 301, ISDS 361A, MGMT 449 and MGMT 480. (ACCT, BUAD, FIN, MGT, ISDS, MKTG); Cinema and Television Arts (CTVA); Communications (COMM); Computer Science (CPSC); Criminal Justice (CRJU); Engineering (ECS); Nursing (NURS)-Clinical (lecture courses permitted); Political Science (PLSC); Theatre (THTR).

Impacted and restricted subject areas are subject to change at any time.