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Channel Islands

California State University Channel Islands

Campus Profile

CSU Channel IslandsCalifornia State University Channel Islands (CSU Channel Islands) is located in Southern California between Santa Barbara and Los Angeles in Camarillo, California, just north of the Santa Monica Mountain range. CSU Channel Islands has a campus enrollment of between 4,000 and 5,000 students and is a student-centered, four-year, public university known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives and its emphasis on experiential and service learning.

At CSU Channel Islands, students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology and classroom instruction augmented by stellar faculty research. The University promotes partnerships with the community and works to build pathways to college for Ventura County residents. CSU Channel Islands is a responsible citizen of the region and actively pursues sustainable and energy-efficient practices. CSU Channel Islands' strong academic programs focus on liberal studies, sciences and business.

CSU Channel Islands offers many opportunities to enrich the lives of their students both on and around the campus.

Below are samples of what this campus offers:                              To learn more about CSU Channel Islands, click on the link below.
Clubs and Organizations                  - Outdoor Adventures          - Video: CSU Channel Islands Overview
- Global Friends Buddy Program        - Service Learning
- Off-Campus Fun                               - Sports and Recreation

Information for Exchange Students

Campus Information
  • Academic calendar dates: Click on this link to view the most recent calendar under "Quick Links" or visit the campus website.
  • Campus-based fees charged to student: Fees for some courses, depending on the course, may be charged (e.g. lab fees). 
    The majority of lecture courses will not require additional fees. Fee amounts and fees charged are subject to change.
  • Campus health insurance charged to student: Estimated cost is $1,000 per semester. Cost is subject to change.
  • Housing: Click on this link to view campus housing information. 
  • Transportation: Click on this link to view information about alternative transportation. 
Admission Criteria
  • Minimum English proficiency score requirements: Click on this link to view.
  • Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) to apply: 2.00 (based on 4.0 scale) or equivalent.

Impacted (Closed) and Restricted (Limited) Subject Areas

Impacted (Closed) Subject Areas which are not available to exchange students: Mechatronics (EMEC); Nursing (NRS); Graduate Level Classes 500-699.

Restricted (Limited) Subject Areas where limited places are available and are highly competitive: Business (ACCT, BUS, FIN, MGT, MKT); Laboratory classes in: Astronomy (ASTR); Biology (BIOL); Chemistry (CHEM); Physical Science (PHSC); Physics (PHYS).

Impacted and restricted subject areas are subject to change at any time.