Financing Your Study Abroad
Studying abroad is affordable. CSU IP provides one of the most affordable study abroad options to CSU students. Regardless of where you choose to study (in California or abroad), certain costs will remain the same. For example, students enrolled in a CSU IP programs pay the same systemwide tuition fee, which is currently $6,450 per academic year for full-time undergraduate students. Campus-Based Fees are approximately equivalent to the CSU IP Study Abroad Fee.
Differences in cost will depend on the cost of living, the local rate of inflation, the currency exchange rate, the length of the academic year, and personal spending habits.
Budget estimates are prepared for each program to better assist you in planning for an entire academic year. Visit the Cost Comparisons or Programs section to see the budget estimates for your program. The cost sheet for your year and program will be made available on the student's portal upon acceptance to the program.
What is included in the Budget Estimates?
State University Fee: Same as your home campus.
Non-Resident Fee: Same as your home campus.
Study Abroad Fee: Fee covers costs related to overseas operational expenses including student on-site support and operating costs of the program.
Insurance: CSU mandatory travel insurance.
Departure Processing: Includes orientation and materials sent to students prior to departure.
Group Activities (for most overseas centers): Covers group excursions to familiarize students with the country in which they are studying; and/or academically-related field trips. Refer to the individual country brochures for specifics.
Round-Trip Transportation: Includes the cost of transportation to the overseas center and back to California.
Room and Board: Arrangements vary by overseas center and are described on each program's brochure page.
Personal Expenses: Includes items such as clothing, entertainment, books, postage, and incidentals. The actual amount each student spends in this category can vary considerably, although the estimate is a good figure for planning.
Other: There are charges in certain overseas centers for special items, such as instructional materials or temporary accommodations upon arrival. Also included are visa processing costs. These items are specific in the cost information included in each country brochure. Again, please note that vacation travel is not included in the total cost estimate because students' expenditures in this area vary too widely.
Additional Resources
Financial Aid and Fee Waivers
For information on fee waivers, how financial aid can help with the affordability of studying abroad, and on how to apply, please visit the financial aid page.
For information on available scholarships and on how to apply, please visit the scholarships page.
IIE Passport Study Abroad Funding
For a comprehensive study abroad scholarship, fellowship and grant search engine, click here.
For a supplemental source of information for study abroad opportunities, click here.